Wednesday, February 27, 2008

From Chris Hofer

When I think of Lisa, I think of sunshine and bubbles and wonder. I am very sad to say that I have not seen her in years.

When we first met Roxanne was weeks old – I remember Lisa as a brand-new mother, so in love with her baby and wanting to learn and seeking to do the best. We met at La Leche League and explored the philosophy of continuum parenting and then on to homeschooling. Lisa was brave and adventurous and very committed to what she believed based on her experiences and all she learned through her research.
She lives in my memory as a bright light, always smiling always having a new and creative idea.

The birthday parties at her house stick out in my mind – hot sunny days with water, bubbles and finger paint and lots of happy children and friends who cared about each other and their children. A part of me wishes I could freeze those days in my life.

Lisa was a spiritual woman. She opened my mind in ways I never would have experienced without her. To this day I feel bonded with her and the other women with whom I shared the amazing experience of circle ceremonies to celebrate significant passages in one or the others lives.

I always thought I would see Lisa again – I feel so cheated that I won’t. She’ll always be a bright, smiling presence within me.

My heart goes out to her family - Lisa will live on through Roxanne and Ruby and Larry. I wish them all the strength they need.

Chris Hofer

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