Friday, February 29, 2008

From Gillian & Craig in Victoria, British Columbia, Canada

"Fire," Lisa's youngest, rules the stage here in Bratzville with her chestnut ponytail flying, a black top, and a cherry red flaming skirt whirling - she never stops, so watch closely and you'll see the power that is Fire!

I, like everyone else at the last L&L I think, just took for granted that I would have more time to know Lisa, to know her more deeply, to be with her more, if not now, later. Craig and I are both stunned and shocked and so very sad to have heard of Lisa's passing. We don't know what to say, we wish we could be more for a family in need on the other side of the country, wish we could hold you all, wish we could wrap you in warm love and make you feel "home" the way Lisa's smile always seemed to do for everyone she met.

Lisa isn't in this video, but Lisa is the reason this video exists, this time of laughter and joy existed for all these girls (and adults!) romping 'round one small stage in Black Mountain, North Carolina in September 2007 because of Lisa and the Bratz doll funshop she and Larry helped their Fire set up and run. A funshop that was, according to our Effie anyway, the raison d'etre for the entire L&L conference! A funshop that was itself a living memorial to Diana's dear Hannah. A funshop that led to our own Effie suggesting a talent show Bratz dance, that led to her being up on stage (grinning wildly from ear to ear) for the first time in her 8-year-long life.

Craig has titled this post "Kids Laughing:: A Legacy." And that is what I will always think of when Lisa is in my mind - an amazing spirit who blessed all our children with so many moments of joy, both directly and indirectly. And for those of us who lived farther away and just figured we had more time, those indirect ways she influenced us and taught us and led us seem so huge and important and such an amazing gift. Lisa will always be part of us and I know her legacy in our family will be great - Kids Laughing - in situations and at times when, if not for Lisa, we might not have let them, or joined them, or supported them, or even thought to laugh, laugh more, laugh at all. We are blessed to have had Lisa touch our lives.

Our thoughts and love are with Larry, Roxy and Fire.

Love, Gillian & Craig of Effie (8) and Fergus (4), Victoria BC Canada

[You can see this beautiful video here, at their blog.]

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