Tuesday, February 26, 2008

From Karla in New York

When I first met Lisa I knew she was a very articulate and intelligent woman. I got to know her better at cheerleading camp at her home. Her friendliness and confidence combined with her wisdom made her so interesting to talk to. I didn't mind spending hours at her home chasing my toddler around while my older girls did camp with Roxanne and Ruby.

Lisa had a subtle, gentle way of dropping tidbits of knowledge and advice that tweaked my own thinking here and there. She was the first face I saw of unschooling and I'm so thankful because that first impression permanently turned me onto the unschooling lifestyle.

Lisa left a magnificent legacy in Roxanne and Ruby. Each of them has made a lasting positive impression on my own daughters. I know that my girls are so very fond of both Roxanne and Ruby.

Lisa's death ended her life but not all of the relationships she helped foster. I'm blessed to have known her.


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